Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured during a robbery attempt at his Bandra (West) residence early on January 16, 2025. The incident occurred around 2:30 AM when a robber broke into the house while the family was asleep. Saif was stabbed during the altercation after he confronted the intruder.
Saif Ali Khan got a minor injury on his back when he came to save her. He is currently admitted to Lilavati Hospital for treatment. According to medical reports, he sustained six wounds, two of which are serious. One of the deeper injuries is located near his spine, raising concerns about possible complications.
A senior police official confirmed that an FIR has been filed, and multiple teams are investigating the case. The Mumbai crime branch is also conducting a parallel inquiry to ensure a thorough investigation. Authorities are examining CCTV footage and other evidence to track down the suspect.