The BJP's Pragya Singh Thakur on Monday announced a "maun vrat" or vow of silence after a raging controversy over her comment that Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse was a "deshbhakt (patriot)". "After the elections it is now time for reflection. If my words have hurt sentiment then I apologise and to atone for them, I will strictly follow 21 prahar (around three days) of silence," Pragya Thakur, the BJP candidate from Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal, tweeted.
The BJP's Pragya Singh Thakur on Monday announced a "maun vrat" or vow of silence after a raging controversy over her comment that Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse was a "deshbhakt (patriot)". "After the elections it is now time for reflection. If my words have hurt sentiment then I apologise and to atone for them, I will strictly follow 21 prahar (around three days) of silence," Pragya Thakur, the BJP candidate from Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal, tweeted.