BJP candidates S Jaishankar and Jugal Thakor have been elected to Rajya Sabha from Gujarat. Informing about the development, Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said: “External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar and Jugalji Thakor of BJP have been elected to Rajya Sabha from Gujarat. Official results yet to be declared, but it is clear that we have won.” RC Faldu's vote had been disqualified. EAM S Jaishankar got 104 votes in his favour as against his Congress rival Gaurav Pandya who got 70 votes.
Jaishankar thanked everyone for the support, “External Affairs Minister and Gujarat have a natural partnership. There is no such country where there is no Gujarati. If the prestige of India has increased internationally, Gujarat has a role in it,” he said.
Jugalji Thakor thanked everyone for the support, “I thank all the party MLAs who have voted for me and all the MLAs from other parties who have voted for me”.
BJP candidates S Jaishankar and Jugal Thakor have been elected to Rajya Sabha from Gujarat. Informing about the development, Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said: “External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar and Jugalji Thakor of BJP have been elected to Rajya Sabha from Gujarat. Official results yet to be declared, but it is clear that we have won.” RC Faldu's vote had been disqualified. EAM S Jaishankar got 104 votes in his favour as against his Congress rival Gaurav Pandya who got 70 votes.
Jaishankar thanked everyone for the support, “External Affairs Minister and Gujarat have a natural partnership. There is no such country where there is no Gujarati. If the prestige of India has increased internationally, Gujarat has a role in it,” he said.
Jugalji Thakor thanked everyone for the support, “I thank all the party MLAs who have voted for me and all the MLAs from other parties who have voted for me”.