The RTI activist has demanded to handover the corruption case against former Gujarat chief secretary D J Pandian to CBI. Viralgiri Jayantgiri Goswami has alleged that despite sever corruption cases against Pandian, the anti-corruption bureau is going very slow in its probe, hence the case should be handover to the CBI. D J Pandian is facing probe after Rs. 250 crore had been recovered from his driver. Talking to the RTI activist Goswami said that there allegations of huge scam in the allotment of Solar Power projects in Gujarat during the period when Pandian was Chief Secretary of the State.
The RTI activist has demanded to handover the corruption case against former Gujarat chief secretary D J Pandian to CBI. Viralgiri Jayantgiri Goswami has alleged that despite sever corruption cases against Pandian, the anti-corruption bureau is going very slow in its probe, hence the case should be handover to the CBI. D J Pandian is facing probe after Rs. 250 crore had been recovered from his driver. Talking to the RTI activist Goswami said that there allegations of huge scam in the allotment of Solar Power projects in Gujarat during the period when Pandian was Chief Secretary of the State.