Yes Bank has issued a notice of possession for Anil Ambani’s Reliance Group headquarters at Santacruz and two other offices in south Mumbai. In its notice, the bank said it was effecting recovery against a Rs 2,892-crore loan to Reliance Infrastructure. The bank’s action includes taking over two floors of office space in Nagin Mahal at Backbay under a law that allows it to sell assets of defaulters.
The headquarters was situated on a 21,432-square metre plot, which was a legacy of Reliance’s acquisition of BSES two decades ago. BSES was rechristened Reliance Energy and subsequently repositioned as Reliance Infrastructure, which currently owns the property
Yes Bank has issued a notice of possession for Anil Ambani’s Reliance Group headquarters at Santacruz and two other offices in south Mumbai. In its notice, the bank said it was effecting recovery against a Rs 2,892-crore loan to Reliance Infrastructure. The bank’s action includes taking over two floors of office space in Nagin Mahal at Backbay under a law that allows it to sell assets of defaulters.
The headquarters was situated on a 21,432-square metre plot, which was a legacy of Reliance’s acquisition of BSES two decades ago. BSES was rechristened Reliance Energy and subsequently repositioned as Reliance Infrastructure, which currently owns the property