Addressing an election campaign in Tamil Nadu’s Aravakurichi last night, the actor-politician Makkal Needhi Maiyam (MNM) founder Kamal Haasan said he was one of those “proud Indians” who desires an India with equality and where the “three colours” in the tricolour, an obvious reference to different faiths, “remained intact.” “I am not saying this because this is a Muslim-dominated area, but I am saying this before a statue of Gandhi. Free India’s first terrorist was a Hindu; his name is Nathuram Godse. There it (terrorism, apparently) starts,” he said.
Mr. Haasan said he had come here “seeking answers for that murder.” He added,“Good Indians desire for equality and want the three colours in the Tricolour to remain intact. I am a good Indian, will proudly proclaim that.” Haasan said he had come to Aravakurichi "seeking answers for that murder," referring to Gandhi's assassination in 1948.
Aravakurichi is one of the four Assembly constituencies where bypolls are scheduled on May 19. MNM has fielded S. Mohanraj from this segment.
Addressing an election campaign in Tamil Nadu’s Aravakurichi last night, the actor-politician Makkal Needhi Maiyam (MNM) founder Kamal Haasan said he was one of those “proud Indians” who desires an India with equality and where the “three colours” in the tricolour, an obvious reference to different faiths, “remained intact.” “I am not saying this because this is a Muslim-dominated area, but I am saying this before a statue of Gandhi. Free India’s first terrorist was a Hindu; his name is Nathuram Godse. There it (terrorism, apparently) starts,” he said.
Mr. Haasan said he had come here “seeking answers for that murder.” He added,“Good Indians desire for equality and want the three colours in the Tricolour to remain intact. I am a good Indian, will proudly proclaim that.” Haasan said he had come to Aravakurichi "seeking answers for that murder," referring to Gandhi's assassination in 1948.
Aravakurichi is one of the four Assembly constituencies where bypolls are scheduled on May 19. MNM has fielded S. Mohanraj from this segment.