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Added on : 2024-07-05 16:27:48

For the first time, a robot civil servant employed by the Gumi City Council in South Korea was discovered unresponsive after an apparent fall down a flight of stairs. The incident, which occurred around 4 pm last Thursday, has been termed as the country's first robot suicide, according to media reports.

The robot, dubbed the 'Robot Supervisor,' was discovered in a heap at the bottom of a stairwell between the first and second floors of the council building. Witnesses described seeing the robot behaving strangely, "circling in one spot as if something was there," before its untimely descent.

City council officials were quick to respond, stating that pieces of the shattered robot have been collected for analysis. The cause of the fall remains unclear, but the incident has prompted questions about the robot's workload and its implications.

Employed since August 2023, this diligent mechanical helper was a jack-of-all-trades. From delivering documents and promoting the city to providing information to residents, the robot was a fixture in the city hall, complete with its own civil service officer card. The robot worked from 9 am to 6 pm, tirelessly moving between floors using elevators – a rare capability among its kind.

The robot, which was officially a part of the city hall staff, had been diligently assisting with daily document deliveries, city promotion, and providing information to local residents. "It was officially a part of the city hall, one of us," another official said. "It worked diligently." The news of the robot's apparent suicide has sparked discussions in local media and online communities, with people questioning the workload and the reasons behind the incident.


Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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