India's richest person Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries on Thursday posted an 8.8% rise in third-quarter profit at ₹10,251 crore, becoming the first Indian private company to post ₹10,000 crore profit in a quarter. Reliance's consolidated revenue grew more than 56% to ₹1.6 lakh crore. Reliance Jio posted a nearly 65% profit jump to ₹831 crore, its fifth consecutive profitable quarter.
India's richest person Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries on Thursday posted an 8.8% rise in third-quarter profit at ₹10,251 crore, becoming the first Indian private company to post ₹10,000 crore profit in a quarter. Reliance's consolidated revenue grew more than 56% to ₹1.6 lakh crore. Reliance Jio posted a nearly 65% profit jump to ₹831 crore, its fifth consecutive profitable quarter.