The Madras High Court on Thursday gave a split verdict in the disqualification of 18 AIADMK MLAs for siding with TTV Dinakaran. The High Court judge upheld the disqualification but the second Judge opposed the move. Now, the matter has been referred to a larger bench of the High Court. Since the Chief Justice has differed with companion judge, the third judge will be nominated by Justice Huluvadi G. Ramesh. Till he decides, no elections for 18 constituencies will be held and no floor test in the assembly.
The Madras High Court on Thursday gave a split verdict in the disqualification of 18 AIADMK MLAs for siding with TTV Dinakaran. The High Court judge upheld the disqualification but the second Judge opposed the move. Now, the matter has been referred to a larger bench of the High Court. Since the Chief Justice has differed with companion judge, the third judge will be nominated by Justice Huluvadi G. Ramesh. Till he decides, no elections for 18 constituencies will be held and no floor test in the assembly.