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Added on : 2024-07-25 15:01:58

Rashtrapati Bhavan's iconic 'Durbar Hall' and 'Ashok Hall' were on Thursday renamed 'Ganatantra Mandap' and 'Ashok Mandap', respectively. These halls are used for various ceremonial functions.

The Durbar Hall is the venue where the presentation of national awards is held, while the Ashok Hall was originally a ballroom.

In an official statement, the government said that 'durbar', referring to courts and assemblies of Indian rulers and the British, lost relevance after India became a Republic - 'Ganatantra'.

"The concept of 'Ganatantra' is deeply rooted in Indian society since the ancient times, making 'Ganatantra Mandap' an apt name for the venue," the statement added.

On the decision to rename Ashok Hall, the government said that the name 'Ashok Manda' brings "uniformity in language and removes the traces of anglicisation" even while upholding the core values pertaining with the word 'Ashok'.

"The word 'Ashok' connotes someone who is 'free from all sufferings' or is 'bereft of any sorrow'. Also, 'Ashoka' refers to Emperor Ashok, a symbol of unity and peaceful co-existence. The National Emblem of the Republic of India is the lion capital of Ashok from Sarnath. The word also refers to the Ashok tree which has deep significance in Indian religious traditions as well as arts and culture," the statement added

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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