Popular Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji's comeback film 'Hichki', which became a massive hit India, is all set to take over the Chinese market. Noted film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter to share the Chinese poster of the film. He wrote, "#Hichki to release in China on 12 Oct 2018... Here's the poster for the local audiences in China." The film shows Rani as Naina Mathur, a teacher who suffers from Tourette Syndrome. Her zest for her profession is so high that no special condition can come in the way of her achieving the dreams she has.
Popular Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji's comeback film 'Hichki', which became a massive hit India, is all set to take over the Chinese market. Noted film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter to share the Chinese poster of the film. He wrote, "#Hichki to release in China on 12 Oct 2018... Here's the poster for the local audiences in China." The film shows Rani as Naina Mathur, a teacher who suffers from Tourette Syndrome. Her zest for her profession is so high that no special condition can come in the way of her achieving the dreams she has.