Oral care major Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd on Thursday said Ram Raghavan has been appointed as its Managing Director. Raghavan replaces Issam Bachaalani, who will move to another role within the company, the company said in a statement. "Prior to this role, Raghavan served as Vice-President Marketing of Asia Pacific Division of Colgate-Palmolive," the company said in a statement.
Oral care major Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd on Thursday said Ram Raghavan has been appointed as its Managing Director. Raghavan replaces Issam Bachaalani, who will move to another role within the company, the company said in a statement. "Prior to this role, Raghavan served as Vice-President Marketing of Asia Pacific Division of Colgate-Palmolive," the company said in a statement.