Not only is the newly-released Newton winning hearts Rajkummar Rao's latest offering is India's official entry to the Oscars next year. "Very happy to share this news... congratulations team," Rajkummar, who plays a government officer in the film, confirmed in a tweet. "The best choice in years by the federation," responded Hansal Mehta, director of Rajkummar's Shahid and other previous outings. An official document tweeted by trade analyst Ramesh Bala reveals that Newton, a hard look at India's political and electoral system, was picked out of 26 films by a jury of 14 members.
Not only is the newly-released Newton winning hearts Rajkummar Rao's latest offering is India's official entry to the Oscars next year. "Very happy to share this news... congratulations team," Rajkummar, who plays a government officer in the film, confirmed in a tweet. "The best choice in years by the federation," responded Hansal Mehta, director of Rajkummar's Shahid and other previous outings. An official document tweeted by trade analyst Ramesh Bala reveals that Newton, a hard look at India's political and electoral system, was picked out of 26 films by a jury of 14 members.