Radio Song, the first track from the Salman Khan starrer Tubelight, was released on Tuesday. Composed by Pritam, it was sung by Kamaal Khan and Amit Mishra with lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Notably, the song's video has been released with sub-titles in 14 languages, which includes Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati and foreign languages like Arabic, German and Chinese.
Radio Song, the first track from the Salman Khan starrer Tubelight, was released on Tuesday. Composed by Pritam, it was sung by Kamaal Khan and Amit Mishra with lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Notably, the song's video has been released with sub-titles in 14 languages, which includes Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati and foreign languages like Arabic, German and Chinese.