The private residence of Arunachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein was set ablaze by agitators protesting against recommendations to grant permanent resident certificates to six communities, police said. In Arunachal Pradesh, the protest against issuing ST status to people outside the state. According to the report of Itanagar district administration, a Deputy CM vehicle has also been burnt by the protesters. All markets, petrol pumps and shops were closed and most of the ATMs in the state capital were out of cash, police said. Over 60 vehicles, including many police vehicles, were set ablaze and over 150 vehicles were damaged by the protesters since Friday.
The private residence of Arunachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein was set ablaze by agitators protesting against recommendations to grant permanent resident certificates to six communities, police said. In Arunachal Pradesh, the protest against issuing ST status to people outside the state. According to the report of Itanagar district administration, a Deputy CM vehicle has also been burnt by the protesters. All markets, petrol pumps and shops were closed and most of the ATMs in the state capital were out of cash, police said. Over 60 vehicles, including many police vehicles, were set ablaze and over 150 vehicles were damaged by the protesters since Friday.