The Enforcement Directorate Tuesday attached properties worth Rs 147.72 crore of fugitive diamantaire Nirav Modi and his companies, officials said. The attached movable and immovable properties are located in Mumbai and Surat in Gujarat, and have a market value of Rs 147, 72, 86,651. The properties comprise eight cars; plant and machinery; consignments of jewellery; painting and some buildings, they said.     

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Added on : 2019-02-27 10:37:30

The Enforcement Directorate Tuesday attached properties worth Rs 147.72 crore of fugitive diamantaire Nirav Modi and his companies, officials said. The attached movable and immovable properties are located in Mumbai and Surat in Gujarat, and have a market value of Rs 147, 72, 86,651. The properties comprise eight cars; plant and machinery; consignments of jewellery; painting and some buildings, they said.     

The Enforcement Directorate Tuesday attached properties worth Rs 147.72 crore of fugitive diamantaire Nirav Modi and his companies, officials said. The attached movable and immovable properties are located in Mumbai and Surat in Gujarat, and have a market value of Rs 147, 72, 86,651. The properties comprise eight cars; plant and machinery; consignments of jewellery; painting and some buildings, they said.     

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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