Prayagraj is all set to host the third ‘shaahi snaan’ of the Kumbh mela on Basant Panchami. During which it is expected that more than two crore devotees will take a holy dip.
Earlier two shahi snaans that have taken place so far one on Makar Sankranti on 15 Jan and on Mauni Amawasya, February 4. UP’s director general of police OP Singh said that, additional security arrangement has been made with UP police and central paramilitary forces deployed at different zones.
Prayagraj is all set to host the third ‘shaahi snaan’ of the Kumbh mela on Basant Panchami. During which it is expected that more than two crore devotees will take a holy dip.
Earlier two shahi snaans that have taken place so far one on Makar Sankranti on 15 Jan and on Mauni Amawasya, February 4. UP’s director general of police OP Singh said that, additional security arrangement has been made with UP police and central paramilitary forces deployed at different zones.