The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday said it has attached properties of absconding diamantaire Nirav Modi and his associate companies to the tune of Rs 147.72 crore consisting of eight cars, plant and machinery, consignments of jewellery, paintings and immovable property, owned by Nirav Modi and his group companies, namely Firestar Diamond International Private Limited, Firestar International Private Limited, Radheshir Jewelry Company Private Limited and Rhythm House Private Limited," the statement said.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday said it has attached properties of absconding diamantaire Nirav Modi and his associate companies to the tune of Rs 147.72 crore consisting of eight cars, plant and machinery, consignments of jewellery, paintings and immovable property, owned by Nirav Modi and his group companies, namely Firestar Diamond International Private Limited, Firestar International Private Limited, Radheshir Jewelry Company Private Limited and Rhythm House Private Limited," the statement said.