Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee at a rally on Monday and accused her of playing politics even over the cyclone. During the cyclone, I tried to talk to Mamta Didi on the phone, But Didi’s ego is so high that they didn’t talk.
‘In West Bengal, People who hail Jai Shree Ram in Bengal are put behind the bars. People have to to pay Trinmool Tolabazi Tax. No one dared to challenge this tax and it only emboldened TMC. But now it won’t last long in Bengal’: PM Modi. “You have given an opportunity to dynasty, Leftist and a govt that suppresses people. Give one opportunity to a party that is committed to the development”: PM Narendra Modi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee at a rally on Monday and accused her of playing politics even over the cyclone. During the cyclone, I tried to talk to Mamta Didi on the phone, But Didi’s ego is so high that they didn’t talk.
‘In West Bengal, People who hail Jai Shree Ram in Bengal are put behind the bars. People have to to pay Trinmool Tolabazi Tax. No one dared to challenge this tax and it only emboldened TMC. But now it won’t last long in Bengal’: PM Modi. “You have given an opportunity to dynasty, Leftist and a govt that suppresses people. Give one opportunity to a party that is committed to the development”: PM Narendra Modi.