Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday undertook an aerial survey of affected areas in Gujarat and adjoining Union territory of Diu to assess the devastation caused by Cyclone Tauktae. Modi is in Gujarat to review the situation in the state in the aftermath of cyclone Tauktae. He landed at Bhavnagar from Delhi around noon and proceeded for the aerial survey of Una, Diu, Jafarabad and Mahuva, an official said. Modi boarded a helicopter for the aerial survey of cyclone-affected areas in Gir-Somnath, Bhavnagar and Amreli district of Gujarat along with Diu.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday undertook an aerial survey of affected areas in Gujarat and adjoining Union territory of Diu to assess the devastation caused by Cyclone Tauktae. Modi is in Gujarat to review the situation in the state in the aftermath of cyclone Tauktae. He landed at Bhavnagar from Delhi around noon and proceeded for the aerial survey of Una, Diu, Jafarabad and Mahuva, an official said. Modi boarded a helicopter for the aerial survey of cyclone-affected areas in Gir-Somnath, Bhavnagar and Amreli district of Gujarat along with Diu.