Narendra Modi, in his first ‘press conference’ on Friday, 17 May, since becoming the Prime Minister in 2014, did not take a single question from the press and let his party chief Amit Shah do the talking.
The front page of the newspaper is worth seeing every time. The PM's first press conference has been presented with the photo, it can only have done by ‘The Telegraph' Newspaper. Every newspaper starts their front page with headline but telegraph is different from others, instead of headline they use a symbol of ‘No Horn’, which speaks more than any words can.
Below that they have written in a bold letter, ‘The press conference that left the nation speechless after a wait of 1,817 days. Below are highlights of the press conference where Narendra Modi appeared on Friday afternoon, his first since he took oath as PM on May 26, 2014’.
After this, Telegraph post PM several photos with a time slot as well as with a caption. After this, there are seven small pictures of Narendra Modi with different style along with the time slot and the caption has been told about him.
First Picture: 36th minute: It’s question time after statements by Amit Shah and Modi. Second Picture: 37th minute: Shah answers, Modi surveys the room. Third picture: 41st minute: Asked a question, Modi gestures towards Shah and says: “I am a disciplined soldier. The party president is everything for us.” Fourth Picture: 44th minute: Shah answers, Modi takes in more sights. Fifth Picture: 45th minute: Modi again gestures, Shah answers. Sixth Picture: 47th minute: Shah answers, Modi ponders. Seventh Picture: 51st minute: Shah answers, Modi in deep contemplation.
Below that Telegraph had written 52 minutes and 48 seconds, Shah said, ‘Chaliye Dhanyawad, Sabka Bahut Bahut Dhanyawad, (Thank you, Thank you very much all of you)’. Modi and Shah leave.
The creativity of the newspaper does not end here, after which a large empty space has been left. Below it is written in small letters, “The Telegraph is reserving this space, which will be filled When the Prime Minister answers questions at a press conference, Watch the space”.
Narendra Modi, in his first ‘press conference’ on Friday, 17 May, since becoming the Prime Minister in 2014, did not take a single question from the press and let his party chief Amit Shah do the talking.
The front page of the newspaper is worth seeing every time. The PM's first press conference has been presented with the photo, it can only have done by ‘The Telegraph' Newspaper. Every newspaper starts their front page with headline but telegraph is different from others, instead of headline they use a symbol of ‘No Horn’, which speaks more than any words can.
Below that they have written in a bold letter, ‘The press conference that left the nation speechless after a wait of 1,817 days. Below are highlights of the press conference where Narendra Modi appeared on Friday afternoon, his first since he took oath as PM on May 26, 2014’.
After this, Telegraph post PM several photos with a time slot as well as with a caption. After this, there are seven small pictures of Narendra Modi with different style along with the time slot and the caption has been told about him.
First Picture: 36th minute: It’s question time after statements by Amit Shah and Modi. Second Picture: 37th minute: Shah answers, Modi surveys the room. Third picture: 41st minute: Asked a question, Modi gestures towards Shah and says: “I am a disciplined soldier. The party president is everything for us.” Fourth Picture: 44th minute: Shah answers, Modi takes in more sights. Fifth Picture: 45th minute: Modi again gestures, Shah answers. Sixth Picture: 47th minute: Shah answers, Modi ponders. Seventh Picture: 51st minute: Shah answers, Modi in deep contemplation.
Below that Telegraph had written 52 minutes and 48 seconds, Shah said, ‘Chaliye Dhanyawad, Sabka Bahut Bahut Dhanyawad, (Thank you, Thank you very much all of you)’. Modi and Shah leave.
The creativity of the newspaper does not end here, after which a large empty space has been left. Below it is written in small letters, “The Telegraph is reserving this space, which will be filled When the Prime Minister answers questions at a press conference, Watch the space”.