Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination at the collectorate office for Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh today. Prior to that, the prime minister addressed a gathering of BJP workers and visited the famous Kal Bhairav temple in the city. Several top NDA leaders like Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar, Shiv Sena party chief Uddhav Thackrey, AIADMK's O Panneerselvam, Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Vilas Pawan, Shiromani Akali Dal's Parkash Singh accompanied the PM.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination at the collectorate office for Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh today. Prior to that, the prime minister addressed a gathering of BJP workers and visited the famous Kal Bhairav temple in the city. Several top NDA leaders like Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar, Shiv Sena party chief Uddhav Thackrey, AIADMK's O Panneerselvam, Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Vilas Pawan, Shiromani Akali Dal's Parkash Singh accompanied the PM.