A day after the launch of 'Mai Bhi Chowkidar’ campaign on social media, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday changed his username from Narendra Modi to 'Chowkidar Narendra Modi'. With Congress President Rahul Gandhi mocking PM Modi over 'chowkidar' title. Several BJP leaders including party president Amit Shah and Railway minister Piyush Goyal have also changed their Twitter names adding 'Chowkidar' as a prefix.
A day after the launch of 'Mai Bhi Chowkidar’ campaign on social media, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday changed his username from Narendra Modi to 'Chowkidar Narendra Modi'. With Congress President Rahul Gandhi mocking PM Modi over 'chowkidar' title. Several BJP leaders including party president Amit Shah and Railway minister Piyush Goyal have also changed their Twitter names adding 'Chowkidar' as a prefix.