Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday participated in the cleanliness drive with wrestler Ankit Baiyanpuriya. Wielding a broom, the Prime Minister in a video was seen taking part in the "shramdaan".
People from all walks of life, from politicians to students, participated in an hour-long "shramdaan" on Sunday, responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's appeal for a nationwide cleanliness drive. The mega cleanliness drive - 'Ek tareekh ek ghanta ek saath' called by him was conducted across the nation today.
Taking to Twitter, PM Modi said, "Today, as the nation focuses on Swachhata, Ankit Baiyanpuriya and I did the same! Beyond just cleanliness, we blended fitness and well-being also into the mix. It is all about that Swachh and Swasth Bharat vibe."