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Added on : 2024-01-29 11:59:08

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today (January 29) is interacting with students, teachers and parents on the upcoming board exams 2024 in the seventh edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC).

PM Modi advised students to not get tangled in jealousy and unhealthy competition. ‘If you friend scored 90, then it is not like you are left with 10 marks. You still have your 100 to score, and that should be your thought process. That friend should be your inspiration, and not unhealthy competition. If students don’t follow this thought process then you may never befriend people who are right for you in the life,’ he said.

A teacher's job is not to do just their jobs, their job is to make a successful career for their pupils, and make an unbreakable bond with them," PM Modi said to the teachers on ways how to motivate students.


He further added: "A teacher's relationship with the student should start building from the first day and they should be able to talk to you freely, and the students will not get stressed during their exams."

"These days everyone has a phone but even then students do not call their teachers to talk to them about their exam stress, as the student feels that their relationship with their teacher is limited to the subject and the syllabus. The day teachers are able to make students feel that they can reach out to them for every problem in life, that will take away the stress completely as students will feel they have a guiding force," he added.

The Prime Minister has asked the parents to not make their children's scorecards the visiting cards. He said: "'When some children score very well, their parents sometimes end up making their scorecard as their visiting card. Due to this, that student may start thinking that he/she doesn't have to do anything as he/she is the best in the world. That is also a very dangerous trait, so even that should be avoided."


PPC is an annual event in which the prime minister addresses questions related to time management, board exam stress and anxiety. This year, over 205.62 lakh students, 14.93 lakh teachers and 5.69 lakh parents have registered for the session, as per the MyGov portal.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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