Indian Railways has decided to cancel its 'Karva Chauth Special' train The Majestic Rajasthan Deluxe after only two couples booked tickets for the train which has 78 seats. The train was launched to provide a 'dream holiday' to couples for a five-day tour. Only married couples were allowed on the train which offered shower cubicles and foot massagers. Officers mentioned the low turnout could possibly be due to the excessive fares – Rs 1,02,960 per couple in AC top quality and Rs 90,090 per couple in AC 2 Tier. Different amenities included a private digital locker, bathe cubicles, foot massagers and a seating space with single-seater sofas. Passengers had been assured free insurance coverage value Rs 10 lakh every.
Indian Railways has decided to cancel its 'Karva Chauth Special' train The Majestic Rajasthan Deluxe after only two couples booked tickets for the train which has 78 seats. The train was launched to provide a 'dream holiday' to couples for a five-day tour. Only married couples were allowed on the train which offered shower cubicles and foot massagers. Officers mentioned the low turnout could possibly be due to the excessive fares – Rs 1,02,960 per couple in AC top quality and Rs 90,090 per couple in AC 2 Tier. Different amenities included a private digital locker, bathe cubicles, foot massagers and a seating space with single-seater sofas. Passengers had been assured free insurance coverage value Rs 10 lakh every.