Gujarat BJP's leadership is taking the process of selecting candidates for 26 Lok Sabha seats. On this seat, LK Advani will not able to get a ticket again. Party President Amit Shas wants to contest from Gandhinagar seat. On another hand, Gujarat Governor Anandiben Patel has taken a five-day holiday from Bhopal Raj Bhavan to Gujarat, as per source, she will contest from Gandhinagar seat. She visits the Ambaji temple today.
Gujarat BJP's leadership is taking the process of selecting candidates for 26 Lok Sabha seats. On this seat, LK Advani will not able to get a ticket again. Party President Amit Shas wants to contest from Gandhinagar seat. On another hand, Gujarat Governor Anandiben Patel has taken a five-day holiday from Bhopal Raj Bhavan to Gujarat, as per source, she will contest from Gandhinagar seat. She visits the Ambaji temple today.