'OK Jaanu', starring Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor, presents the story of a couple who don't want to get married to each other but decide to live in together before following their respective life goals. The cutesy love story is already generating tremendous amount of interest, courtesy the lead pair's chemistry and the interesting storyline.

Now, the makers have released a fun video where Aditya and Shraddha are discussing all the names that you would call your loved one. The clip has snippets from the lead actors where Aditya goofily reveals that one of his friend calls his girlfriend 'chicken'. The 2-minute-long video is all about discussing silly, adorable nicknames and finally bringing back 'Jaanu' as a rage again with 'OK Jaanu'.

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Added on : 2016-12-17 09:50:04

'OK Jaanu', starring Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor, presents the story of a couple who don't want to get married to each other but decide to live in together before following their respective life goals. The cutesy love story is already generating tremendous amount of interest, courtesy the lead pair's chemistry and the interesting storyline.

Now, the makers have released a fun video where Aditya and Shraddha are discussing all the names that you would call your loved one. The clip has snippets from the lead actors where Aditya goofily reveals that one of his friend calls his girlfriend 'chicken'. The 2-minute-long video is all about discussing silly, adorable nicknames and finally bringing back 'Jaanu' as a rage again with 'OK Jaanu'.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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