The Benchmark index Nifty hit 16,000 for the first time, led by pharma and FMCG stocks, while Sensex rallied over 550 points to hit record high of 53,509.04 as economic indicators pointed at faster pace of economic revival. At the time of filing this copy, Sensex was up by over 558.41 points to trade at 53,509.04, while the Nifty rose over 152.70 points to 16,037.85.
The Benchmark index Nifty hit 16,000 for the first time, led by pharma and FMCG stocks, while Sensex rallied over 550 points to hit record high of 53,509.04 as economic indicators pointed at faster pace of economic revival. At the time of filing this copy, Sensex was up by over 558.41 points to trade at 53,509.04, while the Nifty rose over 152.70 points to 16,037.85.