Naach Meri Jaan, a new song, from the upcoming film Tubelight has been released. It has been composed by Pritam, sung by Kamaal Khan, Nakash Aziz, Dev Negi and Tushar Joshi with lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya. The song features real-life brothers Salman Khan and Sohail Khan, who also portray onscreen brothers in the film.
Naach Meri Jaan, a new song, from the upcoming film Tubelight has been released. It has been composed by Pritam, sung by Kamaal Khan, Nakash Aziz, Dev Negi and Tushar Joshi with lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya. The song features real-life brothers Salman Khan and Sohail Khan, who also portray onscreen brothers in the film.