Mumbai's dabbawalas and staff of foreign consulates and high commissions have been allowed to travel in local trains which are currently being run only for essential services staff, officials said on Wednesday. Dabbawalas, the famous lunch-box carriers in Mumbai, last month said there was never a six-month break in the "130 -year-old history of the tiffin services", and demanded access to local trains to resume their services in full capacity. Currently, in view of the COVID-19 restrictions, only the dabbawalas who could reach the south Mumbai area on their cycles were able to deliver food to office-goers. They have now expressed happiness on being allowed to board local trains with effect from Tuesday.
Mumbai's dabbawalas and staff of foreign consulates and high commissions have been allowed to travel in local trains which are currently being run only for essential services staff, officials said on Wednesday. Dabbawalas, the famous lunch-box carriers in Mumbai, last month said there was never a six-month break in the "130 -year-old history of the tiffin services", and demanded access to local trains to resume their services in full capacity. Currently, in view of the COVID-19 restrictions, only the dabbawalas who could reach the south Mumbai area on their cycles were able to deliver food to office-goers. They have now expressed happiness on being allowed to board local trains with effect from Tuesday.