Mumbai police have seized cocaine worth 39 crore and has arrested four foreign nationals for allegedly smuggling cocaine out of India. The accused would allegedly load the cocaine inside rings on a curtain and send them abroad by courier.
According to the police, the accused were arrested from Maurya Estate Road, Andheri, based on information from a source. After interrogating the accused, 6 kg cocaine, worth 39 crore, was seized from Navi Mumbai.
Mumbai police have seized cocaine worth 39 crore and has arrested four foreign nationals for allegedly smuggling cocaine out of India. The accused would allegedly load the cocaine inside rings on a curtain and send them abroad by courier.
According to the police, the accused were arrested from Maurya Estate Road, Andheri, based on information from a source. After interrogating the accused, 6 kg cocaine, worth 39 crore, was seized from Navi Mumbai.