Mumbai Police has arrested a 38-year-old homeopathic doctor for allegedly posting derogatory comments against BJP's Bhopal candidate Pragya Singh Thakur on Facebook. The Doctor identified as Sunil Kumar Nishad was arrested on May 15, Police said.
Based on activist Ravindra Tiwari’s complaints, Parksite Police in Vikhroli, Mumbai, had registered an FIR against Nishad on Saturday under Section 295 (A) of the IPC (Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs).
Mumbai Police has arrested a 38-year-old homeopathic doctor for allegedly posting derogatory comments against BJP's Bhopal candidate Pragya Singh Thakur on Facebook. The Doctor identified as Sunil Kumar Nishad was arrested on May 15, Police said.
Based on activist Ravindra Tiwari’s complaints, Parksite Police in Vikhroli, Mumbai, had registered an FIR against Nishad on Saturday under Section 295 (A) of the IPC (Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs).