Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani toppled Alibaba Group’s Jack Ma on Friday to become the richest individual in Asia, according to a report by Bloomberg. According to the report, Ambani’s estimated total wealth hit $44.3 billion on Friday as RIL shares rose 1.6 percent. Ma’s total net worth stands at $44 billion, according to the report at the close of trade in US on Thursday. Alibaba is listed in the US. The petrochemical-to-telecom business magnate has added $4 billion to his wealth in 2018.
Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani toppled Alibaba Group’s Jack Ma on Friday to become the richest individual in Asia, according to a report by Bloomberg. According to the report, Ambani’s estimated total wealth hit $44.3 billion on Friday as RIL shares rose 1.6 percent. Ma’s total net worth stands at $44 billion, according to the report at the close of trade in US on Thursday. Alibaba is listed in the US. The petrochemical-to-telecom business magnate has added $4 billion to his wealth in 2018.