Stock exchanges BSE and NSE will hold the special Muhurat Trading session today between 6:15 pm and 7:15 pm on the occasion of Diwali. The one-hour session marks the beginning of a new Hindu calendar year, Samvat 2076. The Sensex ended Samvat 2075 with a gain of 11.6% or 4,066 points, the second-best Samvat in four years.
Stock exchanges BSE and NSE will hold the special Muhurat Trading session today between 6:15 pm and 7:15 pm on the occasion of Diwali. The one-hour session marks the beginning of a new Hindu calendar year, Samvat 2076. The Sensex ended Samvat 2075 with a gain of 11.6% or 4,066 points, the second-best Samvat in four years.