Onions worth Rs 20 lakh were stolen when they were en route from Nashik in Maharashtra to Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. In a Bollywood style robbery, a truck full of onion started from Nashik but disappeared on the way.
Nashik businessman Premchand Shukla had dispatched onion of about Rs 20 lakh in a truck that belonged to Shivpuri-based transporter named Javed.
Onions worth Rs 20 lakh were stolen when they were en route from Nashik in Maharashtra to Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. In a Bollywood style robbery, a truck full of onion started from Nashik but disappeared on the way.
Nashik businessman Premchand Shukla had dispatched onion of about Rs 20 lakh in a truck that belonged to Shivpuri-based transporter named Javed.