In Madhya Pradesh, the Election Commission has banned the poll campaign through SMS and Whatsapp Call from 10 in night to 6 in the morning for the next month Assembly election. The polling will be held on 28th November in a single phase. The Commission has said that house to house campaigning, sending SMS or Whatsapp calling during these timings, is violation of privacy of citizens. It has asked all the political parties to respect the privacy of the voters.
In Madhya Pradesh, the Election Commission has banned the poll campaign through SMS and Whatsapp Call from 10 in night to 6 in the morning for the next month Assembly election. The polling will be held on 28th November in a single phase. The Commission has said that house to house campaigning, sending SMS or Whatsapp calling during these timings, is violation of privacy of citizens. It has asked all the political parties to respect the privacy of the voters.