Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday promised to build a “grand statue” of 19th-century reformer Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar at the same spot where his bust was vandalised during the clashes at Amit Shah’s roadshow in Kolkata.
“We saw hooliganism by TMC workers again during Amit Shah’s roadshow in Kolkata, they vandalized Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s statue. We are committed to Vidyasagar’s vision and will install his grand statue at the same spot,” said PM Modi at a rally in Uttar Pradesh’s Mau.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday promised to build a “grand statue” of 19th-century reformer Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar at the same spot where his bust was vandalised during the clashes at Amit Shah’s roadshow in Kolkata.
“We saw hooliganism by TMC workers again during Amit Shah’s roadshow in Kolkata, they vandalized Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s statue. We are committed to Vidyasagar’s vision and will install his grand statue at the same spot,” said PM Modi at a rally in Uttar Pradesh’s Mau.