Prime Minister Narendra Modi said "chemistry beat arithmetic" in the Lok Sabha election, leading to the BJP's landslide win that crushed all the opposition parties. He visited his parliamentary constituency of Varanasi in eastern Uttar Pradesh where he thanked voters and offered prayers at an iconic temple.
"Elections are all about arithmetic but there is chemistry that goes beyond arithmetic. This time chemistry has defeated arithmetic. Some people say that politics is all about perception but we do not create perceptions. For us, transparency and hard work scores above everything else," he said.
"Work and workers create wonders," Modi said, giving full credit for his victory to the workers at the grassroots level for creating awareness about his government's policies and programs for the people. Uttar Pradesh is showing the way for India, he said.
He had visited the famous Kashi Vishwanath temple in the temple town on the banks of River Ganga earlier in the day. He traveled to the temple by road. BJP chief Amit Shah and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath are with PM Modi in Varanasi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said "chemistry beat arithmetic" in the Lok Sabha election, leading to the BJP's landslide win that crushed all the opposition parties. He visited his parliamentary constituency of Varanasi in eastern Uttar Pradesh where he thanked voters and offered prayers at an iconic temple.
"Elections are all about arithmetic but there is chemistry that goes beyond arithmetic. This time chemistry has defeated arithmetic. Some people say that politics is all about perception but we do not create perceptions. For us, transparency and hard work scores above everything else," he said.
"Work and workers create wonders," Modi said, giving full credit for his victory to the workers at the grassroots level for creating awareness about his government's policies and programs for the people. Uttar Pradesh is showing the way for India, he said.
He had visited the famous Kashi Vishwanath temple in the temple town on the banks of River Ganga earlier in the day. He traveled to the temple by road. BJP chief Amit Shah and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath are with PM Modi in Varanasi.