Addressing a Dussehra rally organised in Maharashtra's Beed district, BJP president Amit Shah said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the issues of backward classes by setting up an OBC commission, which the previous governments could not do in last 70 years. It was Modi who formed the OBC commission to address their issues through the constitutional framework." He also lauded the prime minister for integrating Jammu and Kashmir with India by abrogating Article 370.
Addressing a Dussehra rally organised in Maharashtra's Beed district, BJP president Amit Shah said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the issues of backward classes by setting up an OBC commission, which the previous governments could not do in last 70 years. It was Modi who formed the OBC commission to address their issues through the constitutional framework." He also lauded the prime minister for integrating Jammu and Kashmir with India by abrogating Article 370.