Endgame is smashing box office records globally at an unprecedented pace. Anthony and Joe Russo’s film has collected Rs 2,130 crore in just two days, reports Deadline. On the first day of its release globally, the film has collected around $169 million (Rs 1,186 crore). The world’s highest-grossing franchise is eyeing a record-breaking collection of over $800 million globally in its first weekend alone. Additionally, the multi-superhero film is expected to earn around Rs 400 crore at the Indian box office.
Endgame is smashing box office records globally at an unprecedented pace. Anthony and Joe Russo’s film has collected Rs 2,130 crore in just two days, reports Deadline. On the first day of its release globally, the film has collected around $169 million (Rs 1,186 crore). The world’s highest-grossing franchise is eyeing a record-breaking collection of over $800 million globally in its first weekend alone. Additionally, the multi-superhero film is expected to earn around Rs 400 crore at the Indian box office.