Union minister Maneka Gandhi on Thursday appeared to have threatened the Muslim community in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to vote for her or face the risk of not receiving her help as a lawmaker. The three-minute speech has gone viral on social media and sparked outrage for its blatant communal content.
The minister concluded her speech with a threat that she has already won the elections but the people from Sultanpur will need her. "This is your chance to lay the foundation. When the election comes and this booth throws up 100 votes or 50 votes, and then you come to me for work we will see... do you all understand?" she added.
Leaving no doubt what the intention behind her statement was, Gandhi further said that Muslim voters need to understand that it is a give and take relation. “My feelings get hurt. If Muslims then come to me asking for work, then I will think let it be, how does it matter? After all, a job is a deal,” making it clear that Muslims should not expect jobs if they don’t vote for her.
Gandhi had won the Lok Sabha elections from Uttar Pradesh’s Pilibhit in 2014. However, the party fielded her from Sultanpur this time, while her son Varun Gandhi has been fielded from Pilibhit. ​
Union minister Maneka Gandhi on Thursday appeared to have threatened the Muslim community in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to vote for her or face the risk of not receiving her help as a lawmaker. The three-minute speech has gone viral on social media and sparked outrage for its blatant communal content.
The minister concluded her speech with a threat that she has already won the elections but the people from Sultanpur will need her. "This is your chance to lay the foundation. When the election comes and this booth throws up 100 votes or 50 votes, and then you come to me for work we will see... do you all understand?" she added.
Leaving no doubt what the intention behind her statement was, Gandhi further said that Muslim voters need to understand that it is a give and take relation. “My feelings get hurt. If Muslims then come to me asking for work, then I will think let it be, how does it matter? After all, a job is a deal,” making it clear that Muslims should not expect jobs if they don’t vote for her.
Gandhi had won the Lok Sabha elections from Uttar Pradesh’s Pilibhit in 2014. However, the party fielded her from Sultanpur this time, while her son Varun Gandhi has been fielded from Pilibhit. ​