After days of discussion, the Shiv Sena-Congress-NCP alliance finally announced the portfolio allocation in Maharashtra. While Shiv Sena got the home ministry, Nationalist Congress Party kept the Finance and Planning ministry. The ministries allotted to Congress were Revenue, Energy, Education, Textiles, Women and Child Welfare. Chief minister Thackeray will keep the departments not allocated to any minister, the statement said. Cabinet expansion is likely to take place after the winter session of the state legislature ends on December 21.
After days of discussion, the Shiv Sena-Congress-NCP alliance finally announced the portfolio allocation in Maharashtra. While Shiv Sena got the home ministry, Nationalist Congress Party kept the Finance and Planning ministry. The ministries allotted to Congress were Revenue, Energy, Education, Textiles, Women and Child Welfare. Chief minister Thackeray will keep the departments not allocated to any minister, the statement said. Cabinet expansion is likely to take place after the winter session of the state legislature ends on December 21.