Maharashtra government announced on Friday that outside food - including home-cooked items - would now be permitted inside multiplexes in Mumbai. Maharashtra Food Supplies Minister Ravindra Chavan announced the decision during the ongoing assembly session in Nagpur and said that cinema halls, theatres and multiplexes can now not prohibit eatables from outside inside their venues. He further said that action can be taken against employees of these establishments if anyone is stopped from carrying their food in.
Maharashtra government announced on Friday that outside food - including home-cooked items - would now be permitted inside multiplexes in Mumbai. Maharashtra Food Supplies Minister Ravindra Chavan announced the decision during the ongoing assembly session in Nagpur and said that cinema halls, theatres and multiplexes can now not prohibit eatables from outside inside their venues. He further said that action can be taken against employees of these establishments if anyone is stopped from carrying their food in.