Students in government schools of Madhya Pradesh will no longer respond to their daily roll calls with Yes Sir/Yes Mam. They will instead answer their roll calls by saying ‘Jai Hind.’ The School Education Department of Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led BJP government issued an order on Tuesday, citing that presently students in schools presently answer their rolls calls with different words. The order signed by Pramod Singh, the deputy secretary of School Education Department added that in order to infuse the spirit of patriotism among school students it has been decided by the state government that students will have to answer their roll calls/attendance calls in the class by saying ‘Jai Hind.’
Students in government schools of Madhya Pradesh will no longer respond to their daily roll calls with Yes Sir/Yes Mam. They will instead answer their roll calls by saying ‘Jai Hind.’ The School Education Department of Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led BJP government issued an order on Tuesday, citing that presently students in schools presently answer their rolls calls with different words. The order signed by Pramod Singh, the deputy secretary of School Education Department added that in order to infuse the spirit of patriotism among school students it has been decided by the state government that students will have to answer their roll calls/attendance calls in the class by saying ‘Jai Hind.’