In one of the biggest hauls in recent times, the Rajkot police seized Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) worth Rs.1.1 crore Saturday night. The Rapid Response (RR) cell received a tip-off that liquor stocked in two trucks bearing Haryana registration number would be delivering the consignment to a bootlegger in Rajkot. They got information that the truck would be covered in a red tarpaulin.
In one of the biggest hauls in recent times, the Rajkot police seized Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) worth Rs.1.1 crore Saturday night. The Rapid Response (RR) cell received a tip-off that liquor stocked in two trucks bearing Haryana registration number would be delivering the consignment to a bootlegger in Rajkot. They got information that the truck would be covered in a red tarpaulin.