A Kerala man, who was admitted to the isolation ward with suspected coronavirus on his return from Malaysia on Friday, has passed away after he suffered from breathlessness and pneumonia. The 36-year-old's body deceased man has been identified as Jainesh. He was admitted to the isolation ward with suspected coronavirus on Friday. However, Jainesh’s body fluid samples, which were tested at the National Institute of Virology in Alappuzha, returned negative for both H1N1 and COVID-19 (coronavirus), although the result of the second sample is awaited.
A Kerala man, who was admitted to the isolation ward with suspected coronavirus on his return from Malaysia on Friday, has passed away after he suffered from breathlessness and pneumonia. The 36-year-old's body deceased man has been identified as Jainesh. He was admitted to the isolation ward with suspected coronavirus on Friday. However, Jainesh’s body fluid samples, which were tested at the National Institute of Virology in Alappuzha, returned negative for both H1N1 and COVID-19 (coronavirus), although the result of the second sample is awaited.