The ninth season of Kaun Banega Crorepati has been doing wonders on the TRP charts from the time it was launched. Hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, the game show is loved for its inspiring stories, knowledge and sheer human values. With a door to win seven crore, the show hadn’t yet seen a big winner until last night. Jamshedpur social worker Anamika Mazumdar has finally broken the jinx and becomes the first crorepati of the season. A music lover, Anamika hails from Jamshedpur and is married with two kids. A social worker, she runs Faith in India NGO, that’s dedicated towards uplifting women in Jharkand, especially in the rural areas for the last three years.
The ninth season of Kaun Banega Crorepati has been doing wonders on the TRP charts from the time it was launched. Hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, the game show is loved for its inspiring stories, knowledge and sheer human values. With a door to win seven crore, the show hadn’t yet seen a big winner until last night. Jamshedpur social worker Anamika Mazumdar has finally broken the jinx and becomes the first crorepati of the season. A music lover, Anamika hails from Jamshedpur and is married with two kids. A social worker, she runs Faith in India NGO, that’s dedicated towards uplifting women in Jharkand, especially in the rural areas for the last three years.