The Prime Minister Narendra Modi had visited Odisha on Tuesday and addressed two rallies in Sambalpur and Bhubaneswar. Reportedly, PM Modi reached Sambalpur to address a rally when a team of election officials including Mohsin allegedly started inspecting his chopper. If reports are to be believed, the prime minister was delayed for around 20 minutes because of the abrupt checking.
"A team of poll officials led by Mohsin inspected some papers in the chopper carrying PM Modi. The inspection delayed the PM's arrival at the meeting place by around 20 minutes. This was reported to the Election Commission.
Karnataka IAS Officer Mohammed Mohsin was suspended with immediate effect for acting contrary to the instructions of the Commission concerning SPG protectees and will be posted at Sambalpur till further orders, a poll panel letter dated April 16 said. According to the Election Commission order, he was suspended since "SPG protectees are excluded from checking."
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi had visited Odisha on Tuesday and addressed two rallies in Sambalpur and Bhubaneswar. Reportedly, PM Modi reached Sambalpur to address a rally when a team of election officials including Mohsin allegedly started inspecting his chopper. If reports are to be believed, the prime minister was delayed for around 20 minutes because of the abrupt checking.
"A team of poll officials led by Mohsin inspected some papers in the chopper carrying PM Modi. The inspection delayed the PM's arrival at the meeting place by around 20 minutes. This was reported to the Election Commission.
Karnataka IAS Officer Mohammed Mohsin was suspended with immediate effect for acting contrary to the instructions of the Commission concerning SPG protectees and will be posted at Sambalpur till further orders, a poll panel letter dated April 16 said. According to the Election Commission order, he was suspended since "SPG protectees are excluded from checking."