In a first, Justice Gita Mittal has been appointed as the Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court, as reported by Barandbench on Friday. Justice Mittal is the acting Chief Justice of Delhi High Court. Her appointment was signed off by President Ram Nath Kovind. It is pursuant to Article 95 of the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir after the Supreme Court Collegium recommended her name for the next Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court on July 16. The appointment would come into effect from the day she resumes charge of the office of Chief Justice. She has been functioning as the acting Chief Justice in the Delhi High Court since April 2017.
In a first, Justice Gita Mittal has been appointed as the Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court, as reported by Barandbench on Friday. Justice Mittal is the acting Chief Justice of Delhi High Court. Her appointment was signed off by President Ram Nath Kovind. It is pursuant to Article 95 of the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir after the Supreme Court Collegium recommended her name for the next Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court on July 16. The appointment would come into effect from the day she resumes charge of the office of Chief Justice. She has been functioning as the acting Chief Justice in the Delhi High Court since April 2017.